Monday, May 26, 2014

Some Tasty Dog Treats

There are a lot of dog owners that prefer making homemade dog treats so that they can show their dog how much they care and reward them during training.

As far as making these treats yourself is concerned, you could go for simple things or you could go for elaborate stuff. Some treats require just a few minutes to get ready and are prepared using raw or leftover foods and very few ingredients. But there are other treats which require a decent amount of preparation including a lot of cooking or baking as well.

In this article, I am going to discuss a few of these treats. Enjoy:

1. Meat treats- Yes the name rhymes. Things like hot dogs, salami, etc. can easily be made into dog treats. All you have to do is cut them into small pieces and you're good to go. And if you are worried about your dog's health then get the organic kind which contains very little sodium. If you have a large dog, you could consider frozen chicken wings as treats. They also help keep your dogs teeth clean. Don't worry about chicken bones either as that problem only occurs in cooked chicken. You could also consider oxtail bones or raw beef marrow. This even helps in cleaning plaque. And of course, you can cut up any leftover meats and feed them to your dog.

2. Fruit-Vegetable treats- These are the easiest treats to prepare and have minimal effect on your pocket since your dog is not going to eat too much of it. You could feed it slices of various fruits as well as berries. Just ensure you don't feed it raisins or grapes as they can lead to problems like kidney failure. You could also feed your dog cooked yam, peas, lentils, green beans, potato, carrots, spinach, etc. Just remember to mash up the vegetables before feeding them to your dog.

3. Combinations- And lastly, you can try combining the above mentioned dog treats with a few other ingredients to make totally different treats altogether. For example, you could combine liverwurst with fruit for a tasty little treat. You could also mix peanut butter with the fruit if you want. Just remember to use sodium free, sugar free peanut butter.

You can feed your dog many other things as treats as well like crackers, bread, pasta, etc. although it is recommended that you keep the quantities down to a minimum. Just because you are treating your dog doesn't mean you have to spoil its health now does it? Click here for more dog treats info.